God I feel Modern Tonight

Poetry, can be many things.. 

Growing up in CBSE English medium school, poetry was  mostly classical English poets. A melancholic view of European life, its beauty and miseries. The questions were broadly on the meaning, which was written in stone by the English literary critics and experts over the centuries. I remember especially the Albatross around the neck from ‘The Rime of the Ancient Mariner’ mugged for the exams thru rot learning. 

As a hard core fiction reader, I never even tried any other genre. Until I found this book. The attraction - a book cover so titilatingly  vibrant. The woman in me was sold and I  gifted this to myself as part of my Diwali haul. The book opened me to the fact that 

Poetry can be anything… 

Catherine, I find out is a vibrant person with multi talents. Her poems start a bit abruptly, not sounding like poetry at all but random mismatched collection of random thoughts. No full stops, commas or grammar at all. I was confused but hooked. Every poem pushing my comfort zone and breaking my notions about poetry. Like pieces of flavored chocolates, I take one at a time and suck on it between my tongue, palette and lips. Each releasing multiple flavors of boldness, nudity, sensuality, feminism, modernity, funny, and strangeness. 

Some excerpts. Grab your copy now.. 



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