Expats: Netflix series review

Name: Expats 

Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️✨

The title sounds like entitled people coming from rich countries to poorer countries and making big bucks at the expense of hardship. But how wrong was I. 

An accident is what it is. And then there is a victim story. But what happens to the accused. It’s not like they committed murder. They live to tell the tale but how does one tell a story where they are the villain. With this premise the show starts. 

A mother grieving under the guilt of losing her child, an Indian middle aged woman and her desire to be a mother, and a young lonely woman fighting her demons. The Asian, Indian and American cultures colliding together only emphasizing that humans and their joys and sorrows are all the same. Then comes the climax wheee they are in small claustrophobic places with their fellow tormented souls, and there is no escape from their demons. A daughter with her mother, a mother with the father, and a couple facing an unwanted pregnancy.  Then it rains like redemption! 

I particularly liked the captures of Hong streets, people and noises thru their differ t eyes and overheating stranger conversations. I always thought HKG was a busy business district but the sadness of the characters showed a human and chaotic side of it which made it so real despite never being there.


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