The quaint book nook in a hostel room

Storywala is always in search of bookish things, authors, litfests, shops, libraries and even quaint book shelves and home libraries. 

Tanya  is a student and has a beautiful library in her hostel room. Just look at it, isn’t it a beautiful dream! Although not even close, it reminds me of my tiny boon shelf over my study table and next to my single bed in hostel room. 

Let’s here the backstory of this library in her own words. 

Ever since I got hooked to The Hunger Games and Divergent Series, books have become a constant in my life. I go to books when I want to celebrate as much as when I want to shift my mind to the alternate reality of a fictional world. I have found myself in these characters and learnt about stuff I would never have in the real world. I have cried over them and laughed over them. 

So when I got a hostel room to myself which I could re-design on my own, library was the first thing I wanted. I bought my books from book fairs, ordered furniture from Amazon, explored my creative side to personalize my wall by writing a quote from 'Me Before You' that had hit me hard - and there I made my happy, sad, go-to place in my very own hostel room.


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