The return of the butterfly

Book: The Return of the Butterfly
Author: Moni Mohsin
Rating: 4/5 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

India and Pakistan World Cup
Butterfly reads a book

Finally I Broke my book fast with  what a lovely book. You Toh know how much I love books. For past 6 months I had been struggling to finish even one. Each book I started ending up being half read taunting me from the shelf. So in these tough times I returned to my old friend, dear butterfly. Hai! Don't you know butterfly? Apni shweetu si Moni! 

She has written two books earlier on butterfly escapades - 'the diary of a social butterfly' and 'tender hooks'. You must be wondering why I am talking like this. Well this is called "Punglish" a mix of Punjabi and English, most widely spoken in and around Punjab on both sides of the border, from Delhi to Lahore. This type of Punglish is spoken and understood amongst the Punjabis across the world from London to Canada, India to Pakistan. And I just love Moni's style - intelligent writing from the eyes of an innocent unaware BTM protagonist. 

The book is a satire, a touch of ignorance and arrogance, looking at the world from the rose tinted glasses of butterfly. Her world starts from ghairat ness and khandani ness, and ends at show offers and rich ness. From the world of flashy weddings, to GTs (get togethers), to London and Dubai summer trips, to page 3 parties, to beauty parlours and soothsayers. 

She depicts the dilemma of upper class housewife in a country in political and religious turmoil. It wants everything but gives nothing. It lives in a glass palace with inside tints. Doing nothing about it means it's not happening. Underlying the humour of upper class society, family drama, and kitty parties there is a strong current of geopolitics and conflicting ideologies. 

Somewhere we all have a butterfly in us who pushes the negative thoughts and opinions on politics and strifes across the world to live a comfy colourful life flickering from one day to another. 


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