Good Reader of 2013

I wandered at the Old Town Square in Prague understanding the restrictive Communist regime in Czech
I travelled to Lagos and witnessed the chaos under the military dictatorship
I roamed the streets of Istanbul admiring the work of ancient masters of miniature paintings

 2013 has been an year of history, initiatives and discoveries. A conscious decision was made not to follow a NUMBER Target, and read beyond Indian fiction. Read for pleasure yes, but reading for discovering new worlds was the goal. The highlights of the year were:
A lot of World literature
-       Prague & France thru 'The Lightness of Being'
-       Turkey thru 'My Name is Red'
-       Nigeria & America thru 'Americannah'
Also became a member of a Book club. Definitely a step ahead of Goodreads, with the face to face meetings, deep discussions - debates, and  the mere energy and enthusiasm Of the group all book lovers.
2  authors and their request for reviews.
There was some RURushdie, some JK Rowling, some Testament, some Marjane Satrapi and my favorite Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni.
 Finally finished the Shiva trilogy by Amish. Infact it was the  first book  Of the trilogy with which I started this blog. The trilogy ends but the blog I'd here to continue...
Over all a satisfying year, not many books read but great ones for sure.  Looking forward to more such reads in the 2014 and hopefully a lot of writing too. 
I am loving it...padan pa


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